Agent For The Principal/ Instructions Form - General
Note to Lawyer:
Before you proceed with this matter please confirm that the amount we have authorised is the same amount you have quoted, if it is then you may proceed as above. You may bill your accounts to FMC to the value stated/authorised above. Any additional work must be quoted and agreed in writing before proceeding. Our client requires that you bill your costs on the matter as you progress, any account received by FMC or our client that is greater than 60 days, from the date the Action took place will not be paid.
If you are instructed to Wind-up a Company or Bankrupt an individual, you are not to incur further costs after that instruction is completed without getting written approval from FMC. This includes following up the Liquidator or Trustee.
BY accepting this assignment you agree that you will not deal directly with Forster Mercantile's Principal/Client without our prior authority to do so. You shall not undertake work for the Principal/Client on a directly-instructed basis without prior written authority from FMC nor will you approach our Principal/Client seeking direct instructions.